Thursday, December 3, 2009

St. Nicholas Tag

Children in Germany are eagerly looking forward to Saturday night and Sunday, Dec. 5 and 6. Some might be lucky enough to have St. Nick knock on their doors on Saturday evening. If he does, he will ask them how they have been during the past year. He will also ask them what they want for Christmas. The children, hoping for great things at Christmas time, might sing a song for St. Nick or recite a prayer. St. Nick might also note that a scary figure named "Schwarzer Peter" has accompanied him in an attempt to scare the "bad" children into being better during the advent season.

If St. Nick does not show up on Saturday, children will leave their slippers out in front of their bedroom doors. Typically, they will wake up on Sunday morning to tasty candy treats overflowing in their slippers.

Happy St. Nicholas Day!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Berlin Wall

I am attaching a link for a personal account of the fall of the Berlin wall.

Go to this site, read the account, and spend some time exploring the links that are included.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wir Sind Helden - Nur ein Wort

Here is a link to a music video of the song, "Nur ein Wort" by the group Wir Sind Helden. (Picture taken from

Wie findest du das Lied?

Verstehst du es? (Share ideas on what you think the song is about.)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

German Music Links

Here is a link to hundreds of German radio stations that you can listen to from home.

Let us know if you find some stations you like.

Reisen wir nach Deutschland!

Plans are underway for our students at H.H.S. to travel to Germany this summer. We will visit Berlin, Munich, the Alps, Heidelberg, and we will stay with families for a week in the Schwaebisch Alb. Want to be a part of this exciting trip? Applications are due soon. Talk with Herr W if you are interested.

International Friends

H.H.S. has been a part of an exchange with a school from Germany for the past eight years. Every other year, we host a group of German students in the fall, and then we visit them in the following summer. Here are a couple of pictures of this year's group in our classroom at H.H.S.

Christina Stuermer Music Video

Here is a link to Christina Stuermer's music video for "Scherbenmeer."

(Picture found at