Friday, February 18, 2011

LUXUSLÄRM "Vergessen zu vergessen" (offizielles Musikvideo)

Here is a song by the German group Luxuslärm that is listed as
one of the latest German Single Hits of 2011.
Look at the lyrics in the comment below, then write a reaction to the song in two paragraphs:
Paragraph 1 (in English): What is the song about? What do you understand? (Use a dictionary if you need to to understand what it is about.)
Paragraph 2 (auf deutsch): Wie gefällt dir das Lied? Hast du es gern? Warum oder warum nicht?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Lyrics for the song "Vergessen zu Vergessen"

    Warum lauf ich Nachts ohne Ziel
    durch all die fremden Straßen
    und will 'ne Geschichte erzähl´n,
    die nie zu Ende geht?
    Warum wart ich tags auf den Regen,
    auf die große Flut?
    Sind Welten, die uns trennen.
    Nichts ist ewig.
    Hab deine Stimme fast gelöscht.
    Es ist soweit.
    Denn ich hab dich nie gehalt´n.
    Ich hab dich nie vermisst.
    Ich weiß nicht wer du warst, nicht wer du bist.
    Ich kenn nicht mal deinen Namen.
    Ich hab dich nie geliebt.
    Ich hab nur grad vergessen zu vergessen,
    dass es dich gibt.
    Warum schau ich nach einem Zeichen,
    nach irgend'ner Sms?
    Um 'ne Geschichte zu hör´n,
    die nie begonnen hat.
    Gehts dir genauso wie mir?
    Weißt du noch?
    Sind Welten, die uns trennen.
    Nichts ist ewig.
    Hast du meine Stimme schon gelöscht?
    Es ist soweit.
    Denn ich hab dich nie gehalt´n.
    Ich hab dich nie vermisst.
    Ich weiß nicht wer du warst, nicht wer du bist.
    Ich kenn nicht mal deinen Namen.
    Ich hab dich nie geliebt.
    Ich hab nur grad vergessen zu vergessen,
    dass es dich gibt.
    Dass es dich gibt.

  3. The song is about a person (presumably the singer) who remembers someone who she (for the most part) used to know. She wants to know if the person still remembers her, but wants to forget this certain someone anyway.
    Ich finde das Lied sehr gut und interessant. Die Sänger singt nett und ganz schön. Es ist schwer, und das Lied ist von das Herz (in die Musikvideo,schon). Ich werde das Lied hören wenn ich Musik hören.

    Renate, D2

  4. The singer is singing about how she once knew someone she cared aobut, but she can't forget about them. She still wants the person to remember her, but she herself doesn't want to remember them.
    Ich finde das Lied traurig und sehr gut. Es ist traurig wenn das Lied ist von die Sängerin schwer Herz. Die Sängerin ist auch hübsch und ich werde "Vergessen zu vergessen" am meine iPod!
    Katja, D2

  5. This song is about the singer. She knows someone special that she can't forget about. One phrase she used was along the lines of..."It's like a story that never ends" or "Nothing is forever." She says that she wants the other person to remember her which could mean that she was talking about a relationship that she was once in. However, when she said that she wished to forget about that person, part of me thought she loved the person, but later in the song, she said "I've never loved you."
    Ich finde, es wunderbar! Das Lied war ein bisschen traurig wenn sie hat "Ich hab dich nie geliebt" gesagt. Es ist auch traurig wenn sie hat "Ich hab nur grad vergessen zu vergessen" gesagt. Sie ist eine phantastische Sängerin. Ich möchte mehr von ihrer Musik zu hören. Ich mag es nicht wenn sie hat "Ich weiß nicht wer du warst, nicht wer du bist" gesagt. Ich finde, das Lied traurig, aber toll.

    Claudia, D3

  6. The singer is singing about someone she used to care greatly for. She's curious if this other person ever thinks about her. Although she wants to be remembered by this person, she doesn't want to remember them for some reason. Ich finde das Lied gern. Es ist ein bisschen traurig aber sehr gut. Ich mag, wie es klignt.
    Ute D3

  7. I think the singer is singing about a love that she had before but the guy left her for something important to him. She is angry at him for doing so and just wants to forget that this love ever happened but deep down inside her she still has felings for him and wonders if he ever thinks about her.
    Ich finde das lied gern. Ich finde das lied traurig. Das lied ist interessant weil es habe ein seltsam story.
    Wolfgang 2 D2

  8. This song is about a girl who was in love and the person who she was in love with hurt her. She is trying to convince herself that she is not in love with him, when she says that she has never loved him. The singer is upset about what her former “love” did. I think that the singer still has feelings for this guy and that she is trying to get over her past relationship, but it’s really difficult to do.

    Ich finde das Lied phantastich. Es ist traurig. Die Sängerin ist traurig und verrückt. Ich mag das Lied hören. Die Sängerin ist super und sie ist hübsch. Ich kaufe ein Lied. Das Lied ist interessan und toll.

    Uschi, D2

  9. This song is about a girl, who gets trapped and falls with a guy, who presumably didn’t truly like her back. He left her when she was still clearly in love with him, and the rest of it is the girl trying to forget her lost love. Even though she wants him, she wants what’s and tries to let him go. In translation she states that “and though it stabs me like a blade it just throws the truth into my face.” Continuously she tries to forget him but earlier good memories keep her from doing so.
    Das lied ist traurig, und sie moecht vergessen. Versucht sie zu vergessen, aber sie kann nicht.
    Sie sagt “Ich hab dich nie vermisst.” Obwohl sie hat ihn vermisst. In wirklichkeit sie braucht, um ueber ihn zu bekommen und ziehen weiter. Zueletzt “ich hab nur grad vergessen zu vergessen.”
    -Helmut, D2

  10. This song is about a girl- the singer- who is telling someone about how she does not remember them. She sings that worlds separate them, nothing is forever, and their voice is almost erased from her mind. She also sings that she doesn’t know who they were, and are, doesn’t know their name, and never even loved who-ever-it-is. She also wonders if they remember her, if they remember, or deleted her from their memory. She seems confused, as if she can almost remember, and some instinct keeps her to run at night without a goal, through strange roads looking for this person, looking for signs. It seems like she once had good times with this person, only to have her memory wiped? She seems bittersweet, knowing she had something good without being able to remember it. She also states that nothing is forever.

    Ich finde das Lied “Vergessen zu vergessen” traurig und sehr gut. Ich finde das Lied gut, und die Musik ist toll. Die Klavier Musik ist schön. Die Gruppe Luxuslärm ist stark. Ich finde die Sängerin ist schlecht gelaunt. Sie ist traurig und neugierig. Sie kann nicht glaubst ungefähr das Mann, und daß macht sie traurig. Aber, ich finde ihr Haare zu weiß. Die Haare ist die alt Großmutter Haare aussehen. Ich mag “Vergessen zu vergessen”. Zuletzt, das Lied ist nicht für tanzen, denn sie ist zu langsam und traurig.

    Lisa, D2

  11. I think this song is about the singer and a lost love. She remembers him sadly and believes she did not love him enough. For a long time she has been trying to forget about him and move on, but she can’t. Now she wonders where he is and if he ever thinks about her. One of the verses says something along the line of “ I don’t know who you are, just who you were”. Basically she just wishes she would have given the man more affection than she did.
    Ich finde “verrgessen zu verrgessen” nicht schlect. Der singen ist gut und die lyrics auch, aber es ist traurig. Das lied und die musik ist langweilig. Ich will verrgess das lied.
    -Klaus, D2

  12. After listening to Vergessen zu Vergessen, I pulled out several key points from the song. First of all, from what I understood, this song is primarily about love and hard ache that the main singer is experiencing from a past relationship. She seems soured by the situation, and clearly states that she has forgotten of her ex-lovers existence in her life. In several instances, she uses the phrase “I have never loved you” and “nothing is forever”, implying that any deep feelings she had for this person are erased from her memory, hence the title “Forget to Remember”. Lastly, it seems that she is ready to move on with her life and remove all thoughts of this individual.
    Ich finde das Lied blöd. Es war sehr langweilig und zu lange. Die Sängerin hat eine prima Stimme aber ihr Leid war dumm. Ein gut Lied muß unter drei Minuten sein. Meine Lieblingslieder sind kurz und schnell. Wenn ich höre Musik, mag ich ein Lied daß frohe Leute hat. Ich hasse auch Liebeslieder denn ich bin unsympatisch. Ich hoffe, daß ich nie wieder Vergessen zu Vergessen höre! Das Lied schenkt mir eine Bauchschmerzen.
    -Lothar, D3

  13. The song is sung from the singer’s point of view. She sings about a person she used to know, however she explains how she no longer knows who this person is. I feel as though the woman’s feelings are erratic. She states that she has never given up, but later says that she doesn’t miss him (or the person she is talking about). I understood a couple of lines where I could translate, “I don’t know who you were, not who you are” and “I don’t even know your name.”
    Ich finde das Lied interessant. Es war nicht langweilig. Aber die Musik war nicht so gut. Ich habe Rock Musik nicht gern. Die Saengerin ist sehr gut. Das Lied ist traurig und die Saengerin ist unsympathisch. Ich mag “Vergessen zu Vergessen” gern.

    Franzi, D2

  14. In this song it seems like the singer is trying to convince herself that she has completely forgotten about someone who she used to love. She wonders if he ever thinks of her. She seems like she is sad when she thinks about her former lover. In the end she hints that she has not truly forgotten.
    Ich mag das Leid! Die musik ist schӧn. Ich denke die band ist sehr talentiert. Dieses Lei dist night gut zum Tanzen, aber es ist für Hӧren gut!
    Rita D2

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. After I listened to the song "Vergessen zu Vergessen" I found that the song is about past lovers that the singer previously had. She wants to make it clear that she has forgotten about all past relationships of any importance and is fully prepared to move on with her life. A few times during the song she states "I never missed you" and "I don't even know who you are" making it very clear that she is through.

    Ich denke, daß das Leid gut war. Die Geschichte dahinter war klar und die Sängerin hatte die perfekte Stimme für sie. Aber das Lied war zu traurig und langsam für mich. Das Leid fühle ich mich wie ich werde einschlafen bin. Ja, es ist so langsam und langweilig. Ich mag Lieder, die schnell sind und die Leute tanzen.

    -Lutz, D3

  17. The song is about a girl, whom in this case is the singer herself, who is singing for a boy she once loved. She must feel she doesn't know him anymore because at one point she sings, "I do not know who you are, just who you were. I don't even know your name. I've never loved you." She must be heartbroken because she also says, "nothing is forever", referring to this past love.
    Ich finde das Leid sehr gut und die Sängerin ist prima! Sie ist sehr talentiert! Die Texte sind nicht langweilig aber die Texte sind traurig und interessant. DIe Gruppe, Luxuslärm, sind furchtbar phantastich!

    Lutzi, D2

  18. In this song "Vergessen zu vergessen", it appears that the singer is desperately trying to forget about a person she had once known. She sings in one verse: "I dont know where you were or where you are. I dont know your name" which kind of assumes she is trying to put the person behind them. It seems it is difficult for the singer to forget about the person in the end though. Thus, she is trying to stop forgetting about the past.
    Ich finde das Lied spitze. Es ist sehr interessant und phantasievoll. Es gefallt mir. Ich mag das Instrumente und die Saengerin.Ich will Tanzen nicht. Das Lied ist nicht langweilig und die Gruppe ist sehr Modern.
    Auf Wiedersehen!
    -Otto, D2

  19. This song is sung in the point of view of the singer. She sings about someone she once knew and she is trying to forget them. My guess is that this person (presumably a man) did something that caused the girl greif. She is trying to fortify her self confidence by saying "I never missed you" and "I've never given up", but it becomes evident that it becomes more difficult for her to forget towards the end of the song.

    Ich finde das Lied sehr langweilig und saudumm. Ich habe Metal am liebsten und "Vergessen Zu Vergessen" ist nicht Metal. Der Schlagzeuger ist nicht gut. Aber die Saengerin ist sehr gut. Leider, es ist nicht fuer mich. Ich mag lieber "Rammstein" oder "Oomph" Lieden gesehen.

    Wolfgang Der Erste, D2

  20. in this song the singer wants to forget about another person whom she seem to be in love with but she keeps thinking about that person and she seems she wished she never met them or she wishes that she could be with them again

    ich finde das song sehr gut ich finde das song ein vier out of fuenf es ist ein bissien trauge aber das gruppe ist sehr intelligant

    Werner, D2

  21. The singer is singing about a lost love. She say she don't know who he was, and who he is; she also say she don't know his name, and she has never love him. But after that she say she has just forgotten to forget and that is is gift ( probably in the meaning of curse because she just can't forget him). She ask herself why she is spending night running without goal in streets she don't know, and she is watching for a sign. She also wonder if he has forgotten her yet.

    Ich mag das Lied, aber bin ich konfus, denn ich verstehe der Text nich so gut. Ich denke dass ist die Sängerin selbstsüchtig, denn wir können nicht die Spieler sehr sehen.

    Marguerite, D2

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. The song is by a girl who is singing about a boy. I should just say it is a love song. She is singing about her past relationship with this boy. She says that she wants him to be earased from her memories. She talks about how she once knew him so well but now she doesn’t know him and she wants to forget him. She also talks about their lives now and how their worlds are seperate. I understand some words here and there in the song like; “geliebt”, “vergessen”, “geschichte”, and some regular german one words such as nicht and weiss. I only had to look up a few words like “trennen” which is separate, otherwise I could just figure out what the sentence meant out of context.

    Ich finde das Leid Toll! Das Leid ist mein lieblingsleid. Die Sängerin ist schlank und sehr gut! Sie ist hϋbsch! Ich habe liebes music sehr gern. Die Gruppe sind spitze und nicht zu laut. Ich möchte das Leid fϋr meine Kusine. Sie habt liebesleid am liebsten! Ich liebe es, das Leib, “Vorgessen zu Vorgessen” zu hören! Die Gruppe; Luxuslärm sind phantastisch!

    Eva, D2

  24. If the song is relevant to the singer, she’s singing about someone that she knows that left her life. If it’s not directly relevant to the singer, it’s more about people leaving and moving on. From what I understand, she says that she doesn’t know who the person is anymore and she wants to know if the person remembers. She sings that she’s almost completely forgotten the person in this song and that she never loved them.

    Ich finde das Leid macht spaβ. Die Singer ist sehr gut and schön. I galube daβ, das Leid ist ist traurig, aber interessent. Es ist traurig wenn sie ist Autofahren. Die Regen sieht sehr dunkel in das Leid aus. Es gefällt mir. Ich will es für meine Ipod kaufen!

    -Simone D2

  25. This song is about someone the girl used to know, but then left her. She is hurting because of it and remembers the past. She hopes that the other one is also remembering her. This song, I thought, was about letting go and moving on. Obviously, the other person moved on. Also, if she is saying how she doesn't love them anymore and that she never did love them, then she is in denial.

    Ich mag das Leid! Die musik ist schӧn. Ich denke die band ist sehr talentiert. Aber das Leid ist traurig. Er war nicht langweileg und interessant. Ich mache das Leid wieder hoeren.

    Silvia D3

  26. This song is about the singer's strugle to forget someone she deeply careed for.She still wants the person to remember her but she wants to forget that person, but when she tries to forget them memories from the past keep her from doing so. She also keeps trying to tell herself that she isnt in love with this person anymore.
    Das Leid ist erstaunlich, und die Sängerin ist sehr attraktiv! Ich denke, die Band ist sehr gut, würde ich gerne mehr von ihnen hören. Ich dachte auch, die Texte und der Rhythmus sind beide gut. Aber ich habe nichts anderes von ihnen gehört, so wird es schwer zu sagen, wenn Ich mag nichts anderes von ihnen.
    -Reinhard, D2

  27. This song is about the singer and how she is forgetting a past relationship. She is basically singing about how she has moved on. The song is called “Forgot to remember” and throughout the song she says several different things that she doesn’t remember. This song almost seems spiteful. It appears that the person she is singing about walked away from her and this song is her way of showing she doesn’t care. She says phrases such as, “I have never missed you”, “I don’t even know your name”, and “I have never loved you”. This shows that she is trying to forget this person and pushes all thought of them out of her mind. She is ready to move on with her life. One line says that nothing is forever and at one point in this song the singer basically says that she forgot to remember that this individual even exists. Overall, this song is full of emotion, and it is obvious this girl has been hurt.

    Dieses Lied war phantastisch! Ich mag alle die Emotion. Die Sängerin hat eine schön Stimme und singt wunderschön. Die Texte sind ein bisschen traurig, aber sehr gut. Es war ein ganz interessant Lied. Am liebsten mag ich Liebeslieder. Ich finde es sehr lustig, dass sie sagt, dass sie kennt nicht einmal seinen Namen. Der mann ist dumm für ihre verletzen. Ich hoffe dass er hört dieses Lied und schreit! Er ist ein dummkopf und wenn ich ihn treffen, ich will sagen, „Sterbst du Schwein!“

    Britta, D3

  28. This song is about a special someone that the singer once cared (and still cares) about. Also, its about her struggle to move on from that person. The singer obviously deeply cares for this person, and is sad to have lost them, but she feels that she needs to move on. In short, this song is about loving and losing, and regretting what she's lost.
    Ich mag die musik nicht gern. Ich mag anderen musik lieber. Dieses musik ist zu ruhe. ich moechte musik mit energie. Diese musik ist gut, aber ich moegen sie nicht.

    Hartmut, D2

  29. The song is about somebody who the singer once knew, but now is separated from. She says that she never loved him, but she can't forget him, even though she claims she doesn't even know who he is or even his name. It seems as though she wants to forget and should be able to forget, but yet is still unable to do so. She wonders if he is the same as her. She ask if they're the same and if he can still remember her.

    I finde "Vergessen zu vergessen" langweilig. Das Lied ist ein biβchen zu traurig für mich. Die Gruppe ist gut und die Sängerin ist ganz schön, aber ich habe Liebeslieder nicht gern. Ich mag Rockmusik lieber. Das Video sieht gut aus, aber es ist lange.

    Stefan - D2

  30. The song "Vergessen zu vergessen" tells the story of a past relationship the singer once had. She is trying to forget her ex, and tries to say things like she dosent know his name, or who he is anymore. It seems like she still has feelings for this person however she tries to convince herself otherwise by saying that she never loved him. She seems to have alot anger towards this person, and it's probably because he hurt her in some way. Overall it is a very good song.

    Ich finde das lied Vergessen zu vergessen sehr traurig, aber gut. Ihre stimme ist sehr schön. Das lied und das Video beide sind sehr Interessant, aber sehr lange. Die lyrics sind wunderbahr.

    -Helga D3

  31. This song is about love. The singer falls in love with a boy and gets her heart broken. It seems that she can’t get over him but he has completely forgotten about her. In her song she says something along the lines of being stabbed him.
    Ich finde das lieb so-so, es ist abdämpfend. Die frau liebst eine mann und die mann liebst sie nicht.

    ManFred, D2

  32. The song is about how the girl is remembering the past. She was wondering if he was remembering the past too. She said that she wasn't in love with him but she was in denial. She can't really get over him, but he got over her.
    Ich mag das Leid. Es war traurig aber gut. Die muski war spitze. Die lyrics war langweilig. Ich finde das Lied interessant.

    Giesla, D2

  33. This song is about the singer remembering a part of her past. She is wondering if the guy she was dating remembers her too. She said that she was in denial not love. But she can't get him out of her head,and he got over her.

    Ich mag das so-so. Es war traueig. Die musik ist nicht so gut fuer mich und ich finde die band ist blued. Die story ist nicht so gut. Es ist ein liebs story. Sie liebst sein, und er nicht liebst ihm.


  34. The song, "Vergessen zu Vergessen," is about a relationship had by the artist. Remembering the person is painful for her. She wants to forget this person and move on with her life, but she can't seem to do so. It seems as though she is having trouble forgetting because she still has feelings for this person. When she says that she never loved the person, doesn't miss him, and doesn't even know his name, it seems like she's trying to convince herself of this.

    Das lied is sehr traurig aber interessant. Es gefällt mir. Ich mag ihre Stimme. Das Video ist ein bisschen langweilig.Es ist nicht meine Lieblingsmusik, aber es ist gut.

    Hildegard, D3

  35. The song is about the singer's past relationship. She is trying to forget about her ex and move on with her life. But she is very angry with him and is finding it hard to forget such a big part of her past. He probably did something bad to her to make her feel so angry towards him.

    Ich finde es traurig dass das Maedchen von ihrem Freund wurde verletzt. Aber es war interessant und gut. Die Worte waren tief und war nicht lanweilig.

    Regina D3

  36. The song is about the singer and someone she can't forget about. She is trying to forget about the person and move on with her life. SHe can't forget about him because he was a very big part of her past and feels angry towards him and can't forget him.

    Ich finde es so-so. Ich finde die musik nicht so gut fur mich.Es ist ein liest story. Aber ich finde die story nicht so gut.

    Daniel D2

  37. I think that this song is about a woman who has recently lost somebody close to her in her life. Most likely a boyfriend. Whoever the boyfriend was he was obviously very important to her, but he must have really hurt her when he left her. From what i understood the girl seemed like she was trying to forget whoever it was that left her.
    Ich finde das leid Blöd. Es ist nicht die Musik ich normalerweise höre. Ich finde es sehr trauig und ich hasse trauige musik.
    Fritz 3

  38. I would say this song is about a girl who was in love at one point, but her heart has been broken. She wants to get past the broken heart, and move on with life. He hurt her very bad. It sounded like she wanted to move on. She wants to forget about it.
    Ich finde es okay. Die Musik ist schoen, aber nicht so gut. In der mitte. ;)
    Jennifer 2

  39. Oh mein GOTT! Ich liebe dieses Lied und Band SOO SEHR!! Luxuslaerm ist genau wie man sie nennen, LUXUSLAERM!!! Ich habe ihre CD mit diesem Lied und ich hoere es und andere Lieder (zum Beispiel: Carousel, Liebt Sie Dich Wie Ich- ihre aktuelle Single, Leb Deine Traeume, egal, ALLES gefaellt mir!) wann immer auch ich kann! Ich danke Ihnen, Herr W, weil Sie das uns gezeigt haben. Ich hoere IMMER deutsche Musik (Wir Sind Helden, Glasperlenspiel, Nevada Tan, Rammstein, Oomph!, Juli, LaFee, Klee, Clueso, Frida Gold, Christina Stuermer, Peter Fox, In Extremo, Schandmaul, Sportfreunde Stiller, Die Aerzte, Toten Hosen, Killerpilze, Mikroboy, Jennifer Rostock, Tim Bendzko, Philipp Poisel, und immer immer mehr) Wenn irgendwer eine neue Band fuer mich hat, kann er/sie mir eine E-Mail shicken. Meine E-Mail Adresse folgt:
